Hillels of Memphis has a lot to offer! Here are a few examples of activities that students can look forward to participating in:
Bagel Brunches - Each week, students on both campuses have the opportunity to gather for the "bread and butter" of Jewish socializing: bagels, lox, and cream cheese. Having a consistent time frame to meet each week enables students to dedicate ongoing time to getting to know their Jewish peers. Breaking bread together over a meal that is both versatile in its brunchiness and transportability gives this epic combo newfound significance.
Birthright - Each winter and summer break, students from Memphis go on Birthright as young adults for their first experience in Israel with their peers. They experience the sights and sounds of the vibrant Jewish homeland, from the stone streets of Jerusalem to the sandy beaches of Tel Aviv. The exciting immersive experience leaves them more connected to their sense of Jewish peoplehood as well as their own sense of Jewish identity which they bring back to campus, recommitted to Jewish life.
Community Partnerships - Because Hillels of Memphis is a program of the Memphis Jewish Federation, we are well-embedded in the Memphis Jewish Community. Each semester we partner with a variety of Jewish community organizations including local synagogues, the Jewish Community Center, and Torah MiTzion.
Hamantaschen Making - Students from Rhodes College and University of Memphis come together to bake hamentaschen in the kosher kitchen at the Morris S. Fogelman Jewish Student Center. Students practice their kneading, rolling, and pinching technique to kick off the Purim celebration season.
Hanukkah Celebrations - The fall semester culminates with delicious latkes and sufganiyot! Each campus kicks off the holiday season with Hanukkah parties complete with food, dreidel games, and special learning about the miracle of lights.
Interfaith Seder - Students and community members on both campuses celebrate Passover with Interfaith Seders and text study over delicious kosher for Passover meals. Attendees share their personal connection to the holiday and explore the timeless and universal aspects of Passover that pertain to life today.
Shabbat Dinners - On any given Friday night of the month, Hillel students can be found enjoying a Shabbat meal together on one of our Memphis campuses. At Rhodes College, Shabbat dinner is held in the New Dining Hall West dining room in the Refectory, and at University of Memphis, Shabbat dinner is held at the Morris S. Fogelman Jewish Student Center.